
Associate Professor

E-mail address:cyn@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


Yinan Cui, Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics

Address: Mengminwei Building N519, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China

E-mail address:cyn@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Education background

Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China (1/2015)

B.S. in Material Science and Engineering, Shandong University, China (7/2009)


2019.6-present Associate Professor in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China

2015.3-2019.5 Postdoctoral Fellow in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Concurrent Academic service

Editorial board member: International Journal of Plasticity

Young editorial board member: Tungsten, Journal of Applied Mechanics

Guest editor for special issue: International Journal of Plasticity, Crystals, Frontiers in Materials

Journal reviewer: Science, Nat. Commun., Int. J. Plast., Phys. Rev. Lett., Acta Mater., J Mech Phys Solids, etc.

Proposal reviewer: ACS PRF, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong

Membership: IACM, MRS

Deputy director of Council of Industry-University-Research of Chinese Society of Mechanics

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Theoretical and Computational Mechanics in Severe Environments (e.g. fusion, space propulsion, shock loading etc.)

Design and Fabrication of New Materials and Structures in Severe Environments

Mechanics and Physics of Material Defects

Research Status

Designing materials which are more resilient to severe environments (eg. irradiation, low/high temperature, high strain rate) is central to future energy and power technologies. To explore the intrinsic limit of materials performance, Yinan’s group focuses on building the state-of-art multiscale and multiphysics computational material simulation method, disclosing the microscopic physical origins of material deformation and failure, and developing the related mechanism-based theoretical models. New irradiation-resistant materials and structures are designed and fabricated based on these studies and artificial intelligence.

Honors And Awards

• Excellent Young Scientists Fund of China, 2022

• Multiscale Material Modelling (MMM) Young Investigator Award, 2022

• Emerging Leader of Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, MSMSE journal, 2021

• Excellent Teaching Award, Tsinghua University 2021

• Youth Science and Technology Award of China Digital Simulation, 2020

• Higher Education Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award, China, 2018

• Springer Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, Springer 2016

• Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Tsinghua University 2015

Academic Achievement

Published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal papers, including journals in physics (PRL, PRB), mechanics (e.g., JMPS, IJP), and materials (e.g., Acta Mater.). Published 2 books in English (one by Springer and one by Elsevier), and 1 book chapter in “Comprehensive Nuclear Materials”.

Representative publications include: (* denotes the Corresponding authors)

1. CQ Ji, YN Cui*, Y Li, NM Ghoniem, A concurrent irradiation-mechanics multiscale coupling model, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2022, 167, 105005 (IF: 5.471).

2. ZJ Li, T Wang, DY Chu, ZL Liu, YN Cui*, A coupled crystal-plasticity and phase-field model for understanding fracture behaviors of single crystal tungsten, International Journal of Plasticity, 2022, 157, 103375 (IF: 8.5)

3. YN Cui*, T Wang*, SC Luo, ZT Li, ZJ Li, A discrete–continuous model of three-dimensional dislocation elastodynamics, International Journal of Plasticity, 2022, 152, 103211 (IF: 8.5)

4. BS Liu, XD Huang, YN Cui*, Topology optimization of multi-material structures with explicitly graded interfaces, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 398, 115166 (IF: 6.756)

5. Y Cui*, K Li, C Wang, W Liu, Dislocation evolution during additive manufacturing of tungsten, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022, 30 (2), 024001 (IF: 2.248, Invited paper for MSMSE Emerging leader special issue)

6. ZJ Li, ZL Liu, Z Zhuang, YN Cui*, Temperature dependent deformation localization in irradiated tungsten, International Journal of Plasticity, 2021, 1 46, 103077 (IF: 8.5)

7. Z Li+, Y Cui+, W Yan+ et al. Enhanced strengthening and hardening via self-stabilized dislocation network in additively manufactured metals, Material Today, 2021, 50, 79-88 (IF: 31.041)

8. W Cui, YN Cui*, W Liu*, A statistical model of irradiation hardening induced by non-periodic irradiation defects, Scripta Materialia, 2021, 201, 113959 (IF: 5.611)

9. SL Yao, JD Yu, YN Cui*, XY Pei, YY Yu, Q Wu*, Revisiting the power law characteristics of the plastic shock front under shock loading, Physical Review Letters, 2021, 126, 085503 (IF: 9.185)

10. P Srivastava, K Jiang, YN Cui*, E Olivera, N Ghoniem, V Gupta, The influence of nano/micro sample size on the strain-rate sensitivity of plastic flow in tungsten, International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 136, 102854 (IF: 8.5)

11. R Fu, SY Tang, JP Lu, YN Cui*, ZX Li, HR Zhang, TQ Xu, Z Chen, CM Liu*, Hot-wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminum alloy with reduced porosity and high deposition rate, Materials & Design, 2021, 199, 109370 ( IF: 7.991)

12. YN Cui*, G Po et al. Role of slow screw dislocation motion in sudden dislocation avalanche behavior in BCC Tungsten, International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 124, 117-132 (IF: 8.5)

13. YN Cui*, G Po, YP Pellegrini, M Lazar, NM Ghoniem, Computational 3-Dimensional dislocations elastodynamics, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 126, 20-51 (IF: 5.471).

14. YN Cui*, G Po, NM Ghoniem. Size-tuned plastic flow localization in irradiated materials at the submicron scale. Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120, 215501 (IF: 9.185)

15. YN Cui*, G Po, NM Ghoniem. Suppressing dislocation channel formation by tuning slip mode and dislocation structure in irradiated materials. Scripta Materialia, 2018, 154, 34-39 (IF: 5.611)

16. YN Cui*, G Po, NM Ghoniem. A Coupled Dislocation Dynamics-Continuum Barrier Field Model with Application to Irradiated Materials. International Journal of Plasticity, 2018, 104, 54-67 (IF: 8.5)

17. YN Cui*, G Po, NM Ghoniem. Does Irradiation Enhance or Inhibit Strain Bursts at the Submicron Scale. Acta Materialia. 2017, 132, 285–297 (IF: 9.209)

18. YN Cui*, G Po, NM Ghoniem. Controlling Strain Bursts and Avalanches at the Nano- to Micrometer Scale. Physical Review Letters. 2016, 117, 155502 (IF: 9.185)

19. YN Cui*, G Po, NM Ghoniem. Temperature Insensitivity of the Flow Stress in Body-centered Cubic Micropillar Crystals. Acta Materialia. 2016, 108, 128-137(IF: 9.209)

20. YN Cui, ZL Liu, ZJ Wang, Z Zhuang. Mechanical annealing under low amplitude cyclic loading in micropillars. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016, 89, 1-15 (IF: 5.471)

21. YN Cui, ZL Liu, Z Zhuang. Theoretical and numerical investigations on confined plasticity in micropillars. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2015, 76: 127–143 (IF: 5.471)

22. YN Cui, ZL Liu, Z Zhuang. Quantitative investigations on dislocation based discrete-continuous model of crystal plasticity at submicron scale. International Journal of Plasticity, 2015, 69, 54-72 (IF: 8.5)

23. YN Cui, P Lin, ZL Liu, Z Zhuang. Theoretical and numerical investigations of single arm dislocation source controlled plastic flow in FCC micropillars. International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 55, 279-292 (IF: 8.5)


1. YN Cui. The Investigation of Plastic Behavior by Discrete Dislocation Dynamics for Single Crystal Pillar at Submicron Scale. Springer Theses, Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research, 2017, Springer Singapore, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3032-1.

2. Z Zhuang, ZL Liu, YN Cui. Dislocation Mechanism Based Crystal Plasticity Theory and Computation at Micron-Submicron-Scale. Elsevier, 2019.

3. NM Ghoniem, YN Cui. Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of Defects in Irradiated Materials, (Book chapter in Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, 2ed version), 2019


Previous Postdoc

Zhijie Li (2022, Assistant Researcher at Tsinghua University);

ChanWang (2022)(202, Assistant Professor at Beijing University of Technology)

We are hiring Postdocs in the field of mechanics, nuclear physics, and material science and engineering.
