


E-mail address:xucx@tsinghua.edu.cn


Xu Chun-Xiao (许春晓), Professor

Contact Information

Office: Room N713, Mengminwei Science & Technology Building, Tsinghua University

Telephone Number: +86-10-62780576

Email Address:xucx@tsinghua.edu.cn

Education background

B.S., Engineering Mechanics, TsinghuaUniversity of China, 1990

M.S., Fluid Mechanics, TSinghuaUniversity of China, 1992

Ph.D., Fluid Mechanics, TsinghuaUniversity of China, 1995


Lecturer, Tsinghua University, 1995-1997

Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, 1997-2007

Full Professor, Tsinghua University, 2007-date

Research Status

Turbulence physics, Drag reduction control, Turbulence-particle interaction, Direct numerical simulation, Large eddy simulation


1999-date, Fluid Mechanics, graduate and undergraduate

2006-2013, Viscous Fluid Mechanics, undergraduate

2003-2010, An Introduction to Turbulence, graduate

Social service

Member of editorial board of International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

Member of editorial board of Chinese journals: Advances in Mechanics, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, Physics of Gases

Member of editorial advisory board of Physics of Fluids

Member of advisory committee of International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena

Member of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM)

Member of Fluid Mechanics Committee of the CSTAM,

Member of the Chinese Aerodynamics Society (CARS)

Honors And Awards

2009 The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

2000 Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award, second prize

1997 Excellent Young Teacher Award of Tsinghua University, second prize

1996 Excellent Young Teacher Award of Tsinghua University, first prize

Academic Achievement

1. Dai YJ, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2019. Coherent structures in streamwise rotating channel flow. Physics of Fluids, 31, 021204

2. Zhao MX, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2019. Drag reduction in a cylinder turbulent boundary layer by streamwise-travelling waves of circumferential wall velocity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 862: 75-98.

3. Yin G, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2018. Prediction of near-wall turbulence using minimal flow unit. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 841: 654-673.

4. Yao YC, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2018. Amplitude modulation and extreme events in turbulent channel flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 34(1): 1-9.

5. Yin G, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2017. On near-wall turbulence in minimal flow units. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 65: 192-199.

6. Song Y, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2017. Effect of active control on linear transient growth in turbulent channel flow. Journal of Turbulence. 18(3): 203-218.

7. Dai YJ, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2016. Effects of Taylor-G?rtler vortices on turbulent flows in a spanwise-rotating channel. Physics of Fluids, 28: 115104.

8. Deng BQ, Huang WX, Xu CX. 2016. Origin of effectiveness degradation in active drag-reduction control of turbulent channel flow at Reτ=1000. Journal of Turbulence, 17(8): 758-786.

9. Zhang WY, Huang WX, Xu CX, Cui GX. 2016. Suboptimal control of wall turbulence with arrayed dimple actuators for drag reduction. Journal of Turbulence, 17(4): 379-399.

10. Ge MW, Xu CX, Cui GX. 2015. Active control of turbulence for drag reduction based on the detection of near-wall streamwise vortices by wall information. Acta Mechanica Sinica 31(4): 512–522.

11. Wang YS, Huang WX, Xu CX, 2015. On hairpin vortex generation from near-wall streamwise vortices. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 31(2):139–152.

12. Dai YJ, Huang WX, Xu CX, Cui GX. 2015. Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a rotating square duct. Physics of Fluids, 27: 065104.

13. Deng BQ, Xu CX, Huang WX, Cui GX, 2014. Strengthened opposition control for skin-friction reduction in wall-bounded turbulent flows. Journal of Turbulence, 15(2): 122-143.

14. Deng BQ, Xu CX. 2012. Influence of active control on STG-based generation of streamwise vortices in near-wall turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 710: 234-259.

15. Xu CX. 2010. Multi-scale analysis of SGS stress and dissipation in turbulent channel flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 26(1): 81-90.

16. Guo Y, Xu CX, Cui GX, Zhang ZS. 2007. Large eddy simulation of scalar turbulence using a new subgrid eddy diffusivity model, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 28: 268-274.

17. Xu CX, Li L, Cui GX, Zhang ZS, 2006. Multiscale analysis of near-wall turbulence intermittency, Journal of Turbulence, 7(25): 1-15.

18. Xu CX, Huang WX, 2005. Transient Response of Reynolds Stress Transport to Spanwise Wall Oscillation in a Turbulent Channel Flow, Physics of Fluids, 17(1): ART. No. 018101.

19. Xu C, Choi JI, Sung HJ, 2003, Identification and control of Taylor-Gortler vortices in turbulent curved channel flow”, AIAA Journal, 41(12):2387-2393.

20. Choi JI, Xu CX, Sung HJ, 2002, Drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation in wall-bounded turbulent flows, AIAA Journal, 40(5):842-850.

21. Xu C, Toonder JMJ, Nieuwstadt FTM, Zhang Z, 1996, Origin of high kurtosis levels in the viscous sublayer. Direct numerical simulation and experiments, Physics of Fluids 8(7):1938-1944.
