

•Name: Guo Yin-Cheng

•Affiliation: Tsinghua University

•Address: Department of Engineering Mechanics

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China

Education background

1984-1988: National University of Defence Technology

undergraduate student

major field: Solid Propellant Rocket Motor

obtained Bachelor Degree in July 1988

1988-1991: Department of Aerospace Technology,National University of Defence Technology

graduate student

major field: Solid Propellant Rocket Motor

obtained Master Degree in June 1991

1991-1995: Department of Engineering Mechanics,Tsinghua University

doctoral student

major field: Thermal Science

obtained Doctor Degree in March 1996


Year Position Organization

1995.7-1997.7 Post Doctor Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University

1997.7-1998.8 Lecturer Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University

1998.9-Present Associate Professor Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

(1) Numerical Simulations and Experimental Studies of Gas-Particle Flows

(2) Numerical Modeling of Gas Combustion in Industry Furnace

(3) Numerical Simulation of Pulverized Coal Combustion

(4) Numerical Simulation of Air Pollution in Beijing City

(5) Large Eddy Simulation of Gas-Particle Flows in Fluidized beds

(6) Large Eddy Simulation of Methane Jet Combustion

(7) Numerical Simulation of Smoke Movement and Fire Spread in Buildings

(8) Studies on Removal of Carbon Dioxide by Aqueous Ammonia

(9) Numerical Simulation of Combustion Process in a Scramjet Combustor

Honors And Awards

(1) Niu Zhenqi, Guo Yincheng, Lin Wenyi, Experimental studies on removal of carbon dioxide by aqueous ammonia fine spray, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, Jan. 2010, Vol.53, pp.117-122. (SCI:581TG;EI:20101612848845)

(2) T. X. Qin, Y. C. Guo, C. K. Chan and W. Y. Lin, Numerical Simulation of the Spread of Smoke in an Atrium under Fire Scenarios, Building and Environment, 2009, Vol.44, pp.56-65. (SCI:367QZ;EI:20083811559285)

(3) L. M. Zou, Y. C. Guo, C. K. Chan, Cluster-based drag coefficient model for simulating gas–solid flow in a fast-fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science, 63(4), pp: 1052-1061, 2008 (SCI:261PO;EI:20080111007068)

(4) Jiang P, Guo Y C, Chan C K, Lin,W Y. Frequency characteristics of coherent structures and their excitations in small aspect-ratio rectangular jets using large eddy simulation. Computers and Fluids, Mar. 2007, Vol.36(3), pp.611-621. (SCI:129GI;EI:20065010296265)

(5) Liu Chunrong, Guo Yincheng, Mechanisms for particle clustering in upward gas-solid flows, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2006, 14(2), pp.141-148. (SCI:038IQ;EI:2006279979826)

(6) X. G. Zhang, Y. C. Guo, C. K. Chan, W. Y. Lin, Numerical simulation of fire spread and smoke movement in an underground car park. Building and Environment, Vol.42, 2007, pp.3466-3475. (SCI:191QH;EI:20072410649186)

(7) T. X. Qin, Y. C. Guo, C. K. Chan and W. Y. Lin, Numerical Investigation of Smoke Exhaust Mechanism in a Gymnasium under Fire Scenarios, Building and Environment, Vol.41, 2006, pp.1203-1213. (SCI:043PS;EI:2006179841061)

(8) C. K. Chan, Y. C. Guo, K. S. Lau, Numerical modeling of gas–particle flow using a comprehensive kinetic theory with turbulence modulation, Powder Technology, 150 (2005) pp.42–55. (SCI:900IW;EI:2005078842987)

(9) T. X. Qin, Y. C. Guo, C. K. Chan, K. S. Lau and W. Y. Lin, Numerical simulation of fire-induced flow through a stairwell, Building and Environment, Vol.40, 2005, pp.183-194. (SCI:878VJ;EI:2004428411067)

(10) Y. C. GUO, C. K. CHAN, K. S. Lau, Numerical studies of Pulverized Coal Combustion in a Tubular Coal Combusor with Slanted Oxygen Jet, Fuel, Vol.82, 2003, pp.893-907. (SCI:663KC;EI:2003127402517)

(11) Y. C. GUO, C. K. CHAN, K. S. Lau, A Pure Eulerian Model for Simulating Dilute Spray Combustion, Fuel, Vol.81(16) Dec, 2002, pp.2131-2144. (SCI:598XC;EI:2002347054004)

(12) Y. C. GUO, C. K. CHAN, A Multi--Fluid Model for Simulating Turbulent Gas-Particle Flow and Pulverized Coal Combustion, Fuel, Vol.79(12) July, 2000, pp.1467-1476. (SCI:336GL;EI:2000405295204)

Academic Achievement

