
Associate Professor


E-mail address:libome@tsinghua.edu.cn


Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University

Address: Mong Man-Wei Sci. & Technol. Bldg, Room N321, Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084, China

Phone: +86-10-6278-8307 (office)


Education background

Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China (6/2011)

M.S. in Solid Mechanics, Hunan University, China (6/2007)

B.S. in Engineering Mechanics, Hunan University, China (6/2004)


5/2015–Present, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China

9/2014–4/2015, Research assistant, Tsinghua University, China

9/2011–8/2014, Postdoctoral Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Soft matter mechanics, Biomechanics

Research Status

Instabilities and pattern formation of soft materials

Growth and development of biological tissues

Honors And Awards

Excellent Doctoral Theses in China, Ministry of Education (2013)

Excellent doctor thesis award (first prize), Tsinghua University (2011)

Academic Achievement

He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed journal papers, including PNAS, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Biophysical Journal, Soft Matter, Applied Physics Letters and so on. Publications include (* denotes corresponding author):

1. Xue S. L., Yin S. F., Li B.*, Feng X. Q.*, 2018. Biochemomechanical modeling of vascular collapse in growing tumors. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 121: 463–479.

2. Guo Y., Chang Z., Li B., Zhao Z. L., Zhao H. P., Feng X. Q., Gao H., 2018. Functional gradient effects on the energy absorption of spider orb webs. Applied Physics Letters, 113: 103701.

3. Yin S. F., Li B., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., 2018. Surface wrinkling of anisotropic films bonded on a compliant substrate. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 141-142: 219–231.

4. Meng Q. H., Li B., Li T., Feng X. Q., 2018. Effects of nanofiber orientations on the fracture toughness of cellulose nanopaper. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 194: 350–361.

5. Fang W., Guo H., Li B., Li Q., Feng X. Q., 2018. Revisiting the critical condition for the Cassie–Wenzel transition on micropillar-structured surfaces. Langmuir 34: 3838–3844.

6. Zhang C., Hao Y. K., Li B.*, Feng X. Q.*, Gao H., 2018. Wrinkling patterns in soft shells, Soft Matter, 14: 1681–1688.

7. Lin S. Z., Xue S. L., Li B.*, Feng X. Q.*, 2018. An oscillating dynamic model of collective cells in a monolayer. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 112: 650–666.

8. Qiao S. S., Li S., Li Q., Li B., Liu K., Feng X. Q., 2017. Friction of droplets sliding on microstructured superhydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir, 33: 13480–13489.

9. Lin S. Z., Li B.*, Lan G.*, Feng X. Q.*, 2017. Activation and synchronization of the oscillatory morphodynamics in multicellular monolayer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114: 8157–8162.

10. Zhao H. C., Yu Y., Wu X., Liu S. S., Liu B. L., Du J., Li B.*, Jiang L.*, Feng X. Q.*, 2017. A role of BK channel in regulation of Ca2+ channel in ventricular myocytes by substrate stiffness. Biophysical Journal, 112: 1406–1416.

11. Zhang C., Li B.*, Tang J. Y., Wang X. L., Qin Z., Feng X. Q.*, 2017. Experimental and theoretical studies on the morphogenesis of bacterial biofilms. Soft Matter, 13: 7389–7397.

12. Zhang C., Wang J. W., Cao Y. P., Lu C. H., Li B.*, Feng X. Q.*, 2017. Microbead-regulated surface wrinkling patterns in a film–substrate system. Applied Physics Letters, 111: 151601.

13. Xue S. L., Lin S. Z., Li B.*, Feng X. Q.*, 2017. A nonlinear poroelastic theory of solid tumors with glycosaminoglycan swelling. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 433: 49–56.

14. Xue S. L., Li B., Feng X. Q., Gao H., 2017. A non-equilibrium thermodynamic model for tumor extracellular matrix with enzymatic degradation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 104: 32–56.

15. Guo H. Y., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2017. Line tension effects on the wetting of nanostructures: an energy method. Nanotechnology, 28: 384001.

16. Meng Q. H., Li B., Li T., Feng X. Q., 2017. A multiscale crack-bridging model of cellulose nanopaper. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 103: 22–39.

17. Lin S. Z., Li B.*, Xu G. K., Feng X. Q.*, 2017. Collective dynamics of cancer cells confined in a confluent monolayer of normal cells. Journal of Biomechanics, 52: 140–147.

18. Lin S. Z., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2017. A dynamic cellular vertex model of growing epithelial tissues. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 33: 250–259.

19. Sheng J. Y., Zhang L. Y., Li B., Wang G. F., Feng X. Q., 2017. Bulge test method for measuring the hyperelastic parameters of soft membranes. Acta Mechanica, 228: 4187–4197.

20. Zhao Y., Shao Z. C., Li G. Y., Zheng Y., Zhang W. Y., Li B., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., 2017. Edge wrinkling of a soft ridge with gradient thickness. Applied Physics Letters, 110: 231604.

21. Holland M. A., Li B., Feng X. Q., Kuhl E., 2017. Instabilities of soft films on compliant substrates. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 98: 350–365.

22. Xu G. K., Li B., Feng X. Q., Gao H., 2016. A tensegrity model of cell reorientation on cyclically stretched substrates. Biophysical Journal, 111: 1478–1486.

23. Zhang C., Li B.*, Huang X., Ni Y., Feng X. Q.*, 2016. Morphomechanics of bacterial biofilms undergoing anisotropic differential growth. Applied Physics Letters, 109: 143701.

24. Guo H. Y., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2016. Stability of Cassie-Baxter wetting states on microstructured surfaces. Physical Review E, 94: 042801.

25. Xue S. L., Li B.*, Feng X. Q.*, Gao H., 2016. Biochemomechanical poroelastic theory of avascular tumor growth. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 94: 409–432.

26. Huang X., Li B., Hong W., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., 2016. Effects of tension–compression asymmetry on the surface wrinkling of film–substrate systems. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 94: 88–104.

27. Lin S. Z., Zhang L. Y., Sheng J. Y., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2016. Micromechanics methods for evaluating the effective moduli of soft neo-Hookean composites. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 86: 219-234.

28. Wang J. W., Li B., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., Gao H., 2016. Wrinkling micropatterns regulated by a hard skin layer with a periodic stiffness distribution on a soft material. Applied Physics Letters, 108: 021903.

29. Zhao Z. L., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2016. Handedness-dependent hyperelasticity of biological soft fibers with multilayered helical structures. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 81: 19–29.

30. Loza A. J., Koride S., Schimizzi G. V., Li B., Sun S. X., Longmore G. D., 2016. Cell density and actomyosin contractility control the organization of migrating collectives within an epithelium. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 27: 3459–3470.

31. Chang Z., Guo H. Y., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2015. Disentangling longitudinal and shear elastic waves by neo-Hookean soft devices. Applied Physics Letters, 106: 161903.

32. Xu G. K., Liu Y., Li B., 2015. How cell-level changes affect the mechanical properties of epithelial monolayers? Soft Matter, 11: 8782–8788.

33. Wang J. W., Li B., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., 2015. Surface wrinkling patterns of film-substrate systems with a structured interface. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 82: 051009.

34. Jia F., Li B., Cao Y. P., Xie W. H., Feng X. Q., 2015. Wrinkling pattern evolution of cylindrical biological tissues with differential growth. Physical Review E, 91: 012403.

35. Si F. W. Li B., Margolin W., Sun S. X., 2015. Bacterial growth and form under mechanical compression. Scientific Reports, 5: 11367. (Co-first author)

36. Kim D. H., Li B., Si F. W., Phillip J. M., Wirtz D., Sun S. X., 2015. Volume regulation and shape bifurcation in the cell nucleus. Journal of Cell Science, 128: 3375–3385. (Co-first author)

37. Li B., Sun S. X., 2014. Coherent motions in confluent cell monolayer sheets. Biophysical Journal, 107: 1532–1541.

38. Xie W. H., Huang X., Cao Y. P., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2014. Buckling and postbuckling of stiff lamellae in a compliant matrix. Composites Science and Technology, 99: 89–95.

39. Xie W. H., Li B., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., 2014. Effects of internal pressure and surface tension on the growth-induced wrinkling of mucosae. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 29: 594–601.

40. Li B., Xu G. K., Feng X. Q., 2013. Tissue-growth model for the swelling analysis of core-shell hydrogels. Soft Materials, 11: 117–124.

41. Cao Y. P., Jiang Y., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2012. Biomechanical modeling of surface wrinkling of soft tissues with growth-dependent mechanical properties. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 25: 483–492.

42. Li B., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., Gao H., 2012. Mechanics of morphological instabilities and surface wrinkling in soft materials: a review. Soft Matter, 8: 5728–5745. (Invited Review)

43. Cao Y. P., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2012. Surface wrinkling and folding of core-shell soft cylinders. Soft Matter, 8: 556–562.

44. Li B., Jia F, Cao Y. P, Feng X. Q, Gao H., 2011. Surface wrinkling patterns on a core–shell soft sphere. Physical Review Letters, 106: 234301. (Cover Story)

45. Li B., Cao Y. P, Feng X. Q, Yu S. W., 2011. Mucosal wrinkling in animal antra induced by volumetric growth. Applied Physics Letters, 98: 153701.

46. Li B., Cao Y. P, Feng X. Q, Gao H., 2011. Surface wrinkling of mucosa induced by volumetric growth: theory, simulation and experiment. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59: 758–774.

47. Li B., Zhao H. P., Feng X. Q., 2011. Spontaneous instability of soft thin films on curved substrates due to van der Waals interaction. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59: 610–624.

48. Li B., Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., 2011. Growth and surface folding of esophageal mucosa: a biomechanical model. Journal of Biomechanics, 44: 182–188.

49. Li B., Huang S. Q., Feng X. Q., 2010. Buckling and postbuckling of a compressed thin film bonded on a soft elastic layer: a three-dimensional analysis. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 80: 175–188.

50. Feng X. Q., Shi Y. F., Wang X. Y., Li B., Yu S. W., Yang Q., 2010. Dislocation-based semi-analytical method for calculating stress intensity factors of cracks: two-dimensional cases. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 77: 3521-3531.

51. Zheng X. P., Cao Y. P, Li B., Feng X. Q., 2010. Surface effects in various bending-based test methods for measuring the elastic property of nanowires. Nanotechnology, 21: 205702.

52. Zhen X. P., Cao Y. P., Li B., Feng X. Q., Yu S. W., 2010. Surface wrinkling of nanostructured thin films on a compliant substrate. Computational Materials Science, 49: 767–772.

53. Li Y., Xu G. K., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2010. A molecular mechanisms-based biophysical model for two-phase cell spreading. Applied Physics Letters, 96: 043703.

54. Li B., Li Y., Xu G. K., Feng X. Q., 2009. Surface patterning of soft polymer film-coated cylinders via an electric field. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21: 445006.

55. Li B., Feng X. Q., Li Y., Wang G. F., 2009. Morphological instability of spherical soft particles induced by surface charges. Applied Physics Letters, 95: 021903.

56. Xu G. K., Li Y., Li B., Feng X. Q., Gao H., 2009. Self-assembled lipid nanostructures encapsulating nanoparticles in aqueous solution. Soft Matter, 5: 3977–3983.

57. Cao Y. P., Zheng X. P., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2009. Determination of the elastic modulus of micro- and nanowires/tubes using a buckling-based metrology. Scripta Materialia, 61: 1044–1047.

58. Xu G. K., Feng X. Q., Zhao H. P., Li B., 2009. Theoretical study of the competition between cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions. Physical Review E, 80: 011921.

59. Feng X. Q., Xia R., Li X., Li B., 2009. Surface effects on the elastic modulus of nanoporous materials. Applied Physics Letters, 94: 011916.

60. Zheng X. P., Cao Y. P., Li B., Feng X. Q., Jiang H., Huang Y., 2009. Determining the elastic modulus of thin films using a buckling-based method: computational study. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42: 175506.

61. Huang S. Q., Li B., Feng X. Q., 2008. Three-dimensional analysis of spontaneous surface instability and pattern formation of thin soft films. Journal of Applied Physics, 103: 083501.

62. Liu Y. W., Li B., Fang Q. H., 2008. A moving screw dislocation near interfacial rigid lines in two dissimilar anisotropic media. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 29: 625–637.

63. Li B., Liu Y. W., Fang Q. H., 2008. Interaction of an anti-plane singularity with interfacial anti-cracks in cylindrically anisotropic composites. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 78: 295–309.

64. Li B., Liu Y. W., Fang Q. H., 2007. Screw dislocations interacting with a partially debonded interface in cylindrically anisotropic composites. International Journal of Fracture, 145: 9–27.

65. Zheng J. L., Li B., Liu Y. W., 2007. Viscoelastic interaction between a screw dislocation and a piezoelectric inhomogeneity with interfacial rigid lines. Acta Mechanica, 193: 129–139.

66. Fang Q. H., Li B., Liu Y. W., 2007. Interaction between edge dislocations and a circular hole with surface stress. Physica Status Solidi (b), 244: 2576–2588.

67. Li B., Liu Y. W., Fang Q. H., 2007. Uniformly moving screw dislocation interacting with interface cracks in anisotropic bimaterials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44: 4206–4219.

68. Liu Y. W., Li B., Fang Q. H., 2007. Viscoelastic interaction between a screw dislocation and a circular interfacial rigid line. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 14: 359–364.

69. Li B., Liu Y. W., Fang Q. H., 2007. Interaction between a screw dislocation and a circular inhomogeneity with an interfacial crack in viscoelastic media. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 14: 354–358.

70. Fang Q. H., Liu Y. W., Jiang C. P., Li B., 2006. Interaction of a wedge disclination dipole with interfacial cracks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 73: 1235–1248.

71. Fang Q. H., Li B., Liu Y. W., 2006. Electro-elastic interaction between a moving screw dislocation and collinear interfacial rigid lines. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 430: 46–58.

72. Liu Y. W., Li B., Fang Q. H., 2006. Interaction between a screw dislocation and a piezoelectric circular inhomogeneity with interfacial cracks in viscoelastic matrix. Applied Rheology, 16: 102–109.
