
Damage Accumulation and Hysteretic Behavior of MAX Phase Materials

Dr. Benny Poon

Intel Corporation

Abstract:The compressive response of fully dense and 10 vol% porous Ti2AlC MAX phase materials subjected to quasi-static uniaxial and cyclic loading including the irrepeatable hysteretic behavior is presented. Damage accumulation in the form of kink bands and microcracking is characterized using ultrasonics and scanning electron microscopy under different levels of compressive loading.The observations and measurements are correlated quantitatively using a model based on friction between the crack faces, which is the main dissipation process. The model is shown to capture the hysteretic behavior of Ti2AlC MAX phase and quantitatively reproduce the experimentally measured stress–strain curves.

Dr. Benny Poonreceived his B.S. degree of Science in Aerospace Engineering and B.A. degree in Liberal Arts and Science in 2004 from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and M.S (2005) and Ph. D (2008) degrees from the California Institute of Technology in Aeronautics. He published many papers in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Applied Physics Letters, Internal Journal of Solids and Structures and EPL et. al. and servers as reviewer in Acta Review, Experimental Mechanics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Surface and Coating Technology and Strain. His recent interests focus on mechanical characterization of ternary ceramics, MAX phases.

March 8th 2012,10:30-11:30,1512#
